Monday, 21 March 2011

Just Havin' A Rest

Pippi (with help from my human brother, Tristy - because, well, what's a computer?)

Sunny Day and then Awesome Night!

This 'Supermoon' was on the night of our lovely, warm, blue day - Saturday, 19th March 2011. We haven't been so close to the moon in 20 years (it happens every 20 years). I love blue, sunny days - I love summer. Here are some pictures of the day when the frost melted:

I love days like this!


Saturday, 19 March 2011

The Recipies

If anyone makes the one of the recipes, please tell me because I'd love to hear that your trying them out!


Blue, Frosty Morning!

When I woke up this morning, I saw sun shining through the window and I new it was a beautiful day. The sky is fully blue, a the ground is frosty. I love it when the sun shines onto the frosty grass, it looks really nice.

Here is our bird bath but with no water in it, instead, freshly cut grass and frost with the sun shining on it.

Here's our basketball hoop with the sun shining on it.

That's some frost on the thatched roof, again, with the sun shining on it!


Friday, 18 March 2011

Recent Creativity

In textiles in the 'Creatives Studies' department in my school, I am making a cuddly toy - that is my class' theme. I will hopefully finish it the next textiles lesson because I've stuffed it and all I have to do now is sew the last hole together. It's top half is red and it's bottom half is black and it has two googly eyes and a green oval mouth. It is about 25cm tall, about 13cm wide and about 5cm thick. I will post photo of it when it's finished.

In art in the 'Creative Studies' department, we are sill doing the work on 'Paolozzi'. When he was a child he collected cigarette cards and one of them had a train on it. We were supposed to pick a few different things of his work, his style or what he collected, so I chose the train and a few other things to go around it. When that's done I'll post a photo of it too.

In the Music department I am practicing a song for the school 'Rock Show' with my band. I am playing lead guitar and lead vocals. The song we are doing is 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' by 'Nirvana'. Here is the music video of it:

Video from NirvanaVEVO on YouTube.


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Japan 日本

I feel really bad for everyone in Japan. It was the fifth biggest earthquake ever recorded and in some places the tsunami was apparently up to 50m high! It was a magnitude 8.9 - that's massive! Sky-scrapers rocked in Tokyo but luckily Tokyo wasn't harmed to badly. Please could everyone wish them good luck and help. Thank you.

Video from RT on YouTube.

Tristan トリスタン

Pippi's 1st Birthday!

Tomorrow it is our dog, Pippi's 1st Birthday. We are going to give her hamburgers and treats to eat and hopefully she can have a play with a few friends! 1 year old already! It's amazing how time flies when you're walking her, giving her treats and constantly playing with her! She so cute!
